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LC-XC1238P |
Panasonic LC-XC1238P Sealed Lead Acid Battery. Cyclic type - Golf Buggy, Mobility scooter | Panasonic | Sealed Lead | 12 | 38000 | 165 | 175 | 197 | Your Price: $1000.00 | |
G12V16AH10EP |
Genesis G12V16AH10EP Sealed Lead Acid Battery. Pure Lead EP Range | Genesis | Sealed Lead | 12 | 16000 | 76.33 | 167.77 | 181.61 | Your Price: $749.00 | |
G12V26AH10EP |
Genesis G12V26AH10EP Sealed Lead Acid Battery. Pure Lead EP Range | Genesis | Sealed Lead | 12 | 26000 | 175.77 | 125.91 | 166.75 | Your Price: $949.00 | |
G12V42AH10EP |
Genesis G12V42AH10EP Sealed Lead Acid Battery. Pure Lead EP Range | Genesis | Sealed Lead | 12 | 42000 | 165.74 | 170.56 | 197.49 | Your Price: $1149.00 | |
LC-XC1221P |
Panasonic LC-XC1221P Sealed Lead Acid Battery. Cyclic type - Golf Buggy, Mobility scooter, Wheelchair | Panasonic | Sealed Lead | 12 | 21000 | 76 | 167 | 181 | Your Price: $1000.00 | |
12SB14C-F2 |
Drypower 12V 14Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP12-12, EP12-12, PS12120L, GP12120, EVH12150, DM12-12, CF-12V12, FGC21202, DC12-12, CB12V12AH, CBC12V14AH, LP12-10, LP12-12, LP12-14, LPC12-13, WP14-12E, WP14-12SE, LC-RA1212P1, LC-CA1215P1, LPC12-13, PDC-12140, PS-12140, RM12-12DC, EV12-10, EV12-12, EV12-14, BAT212120080 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 14000 | 98 | 95 | 151 | Your Price: $129.00 | |
12SB20C |
Drypower 12V 20Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP17-12, BP20-12, EP17-12, EVP20-12, PS12180, GP12170, GP12200, HR1290W, HRL1280W, EVX12170, DM12-17, DM12-8, DMU12-15, DMU12-20, DMU12-26, CF-12V17, CF-12V18, HGL18-12, HGL20-12, FG21703, FG21803, 12FGH65, FGC21803, DC17-12, DC20-12, HGL18-12, CB12V18AH, CB12V20AH, CBC12V22AH, CBL6V18AH, CBX12V17AH, CBX12V18AH, CBX12V20AH, NPX80-12, NP18-12, LHM15-12, HF17-12A, HV17-12A, LP12-15, LP12-18, LP12-20, LPC12-18, LPL12-18, LPS12-18, LPX12-17, LPX12-18, LPX12-20, WP20-12IE, NPD12170, OCB-18-12, LC-RD1217P, LC-P1220P, LC-XC1221P, PB12/18, PDC12200, PS-12180, PS-12200, PSH-12180, PE12V17, PE12V18, RM12-17, RM12-18DC, RM12-20DCM, HR12-70W, HR12-75W, HR12-80W, HR12-88W, EV12-18, EV12-22, EV12-24, EV12-24B, RT12180, RT12200, CP12170 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 20000 | 76 | 167 | 181 | Your Price: $149.00 | |
12SB22C |
Drypower 12V 22Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP17-12, BP20-12, EP17-12, EVP20-12, PS12180, GP12170, GP12200, HR1290W, HRL1280W, EVX12170, DM12-17, DM12-8, DMU12-15, DMU12-20, DMU12-26, CF-12V17, CF-12V18, HGL18-12, HGL20-12, FG21703, FG21803, 12FGH65, FGC21803, DC17-12, DC20-12, HGL18-12, CB12V18AH, CB12V20AH, CBC12V22AH, CBL6V18AH, CBX12V17AH, CBX12V18AH, CBX12V20AH, NPX80-12, NP18-12, LHM15-12, HF17-12A, HV17-12A, LP12-15, LP12-18, LP12-20, LPC12-18, LPL12-18, LPS12-18, LPX12-17, LPX12-18, LPX12-20, WP20-12IE, NPD12170, OCB-18-12, LC-RD1217P, LC-P1220P, LC-XC1221P, PB12/18, PDC12200, PS-12180, PS-12200, PSH-12180, PE12V17, PE12V18, RM12-17, RM12-18DC, RM12-20DCM, HR12-70W, HR12-75W, HR12-80W, HR12-88W, EV12-18, EV12-22, EV12-24, EV12-24B, RT12180, RT12200, CP12170 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 22000 | 76 | 167 | 181 | Your Price: $199.00 | |
12SB26CL |
Drypower 12V 26Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP26-12, BP28-12, EP26-12, EP28-12, C12-32DA, PS12240, GP12260, GPL12260, DMU12-26, CF-12V26, HGL24-12, HGL26-12, FGC22703, 12SP26, DC26-12B, HGL24-12, HGL26-12, CBC12V26AH, CBL12V24H, CBL12V26AH, CBL12V28AH, CBX12V24AH, NP24-12, HZB12/26, LHM24-12, LP12-24, LP12-26, LP12-28, LP12-30, WP26-12N, NPD12240, PB12/26, PDC-12260, PG-12V28, PS-12260, PE12V24A, PE12V26A, RM12-26, RM12-26DC, RM12-26DCM, DC12-26, DC12-28, HR12-96W, HR12-104W, EV12-26, RT12260, RT12280, CP12250, HF-12-135, FG22703, FGV22703, JTT12V620 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 26000 | 175 | 125 | 166 | Your Price: $249.00 | |
12SB30C |
Drypower 12V 30Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces EVX12300, DC26-12A, CBC12V26H, HF28-12A, HV28-12A, LPC12-24H, LPS12-30, WP30-12TNE, NPD12260, LC-XC1228P, LC-XC1228AP, LPC12-24H, PDC-12260H, PS-12280, DC12-26S, DC12-28S | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 30000 | 125.5 | 176 | 166 | Your Price: $279.00 | |
12SB34C |
Drypower 12V 34Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP33-12, BP35-12, EP33-12S, EVP35-12S, PS12330, EVX12340, GP12340, DMU12-33, DMU12-35, CF-12V33U1, ED10S, HGL33-12, DC35-12B, CBC12V33AH, CBX12V35AH, NPX135-12, NP33-12, HZB12/33, LP12-30H, LP12-33, LP12-35, LPC12-33, LPS12-36, LPX12-35, XP12-150, U1-34HN, NPD12350, LC-R1233P, PB12/33, LPC12/33, LXP12/150, PDC-12350, PG-12V35, PHR-12150, PS-12330, PS-12350, RM12-33, RM12-33DC, RM12-33DCM, HR12-125W, EV12-33, RA12-33, 6FM33 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 34000 | 131 | 159 | 197 | Your Price: $349.00 | |
12SB36C |
Drypower 12V 36Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP33-12, BP35-12, EP33-12S, EVP35-12S, PS12330, EVX12340, GP12340, DMU12-33, DMU12-35, CF-12V33U1, ED10S, HGL33-12, FGC23505, 12SP33, DC35-12A, CBC12V33AH, CBX12V35AH, NP33-12, HZB12/33, LP12-30H, LP12-33, LP12-35, LPC12-33, LPS12-36, LPX12-35, XP12-150, U1-36NE, NPD12350, LC-R1233P, PB12/33, LPC12/33, LXP12/150, PDC-12350, PG-12V35, PHR-12150, PS-12330, PS-12350, RM12-33, RM12-33DC, RM12-33DCM, EV12-33, RA12-33 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 36000 | 131 | 159 | 197 | Your Price: $299.00 | |
12SB50C |
Drypower 12V 50Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP40-12, EP40-12, EVP44-12, PS12400, GP12400, GPL12400, EVX12400, DMU12-40, DMU12-44, HGL45-12, FGC24207, 12SP42, DC38-12., DC40-12, DC50-12B, CBC12V40AH, CBC12V50AH, CBL12V45AH, NP38-12, LP12-38, LP12-45, LPC12-38, LPL12-38, LPL12-45, LPS12-40, LPS12-50, LPX12-38, WP50-12NE, NPD12400, LC-P1242P, LC-XC1238P, LPC12/38, PB12/44, PDC-12400, PG-12V42, PS-12400, DC12-38C, DC12-40, EV12-45, RA12-38, RA12-38C, RA12-40, RA12-45, BAT412350080, JTT12V960 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 50000 | 166 | 171 | 199 | Your Price: $349.00 | |
12SB55CL |
Drypower 12V 55Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces C12-55DA, GPL12520, EVX12520, CF-12V55G, HGL55-12, 12SP55, DC55-12, CBC12V55AH, CBL12V55AH, NP55-12, HZB12/55, LP12-55, LPC12-55, LPL12-55, LPS12-55, XP12-210, WP55-12N, NPD12550, LPC12/55, LXP12/210, PDC-12600, PG-12V55, PHR-12200, PS-12550, RM12-55XU, RM12-55DC, DC12-55, HR12-200W, EV12-55, RA12-55, BAT412550080, 6FM55 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 55000 | 135 | 214 | 226 | Your Price: $399.00 | |
12SB65CL |
Drypower 12V 65Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP65-12, EP65-12, EVP70-12, PS12650, EVX12650, GP12650, DMU12-60, DMU12-65, HGL65-12, DC65-12A, CBL12V65AH, CBL12V70AH, CBX12V65AH, NP65-12, HZB12-70JF, LHM65-12, LP12-65, LP12-70, LPL12-60, LPL12-65, LPX12-65, WP65-12B, NPD12700, PB12/65, PG-12V65, RM12-65, RM12-65DC, DC12-65, DC12-65C, DC12-80, DC12-80C, HR12-240W, HS12-240W, HSD12-65, HSD12-80, RA12-65, RA12-65C, RA12-70, RA12-80, RA12-80C, 6FM65, NP65-12 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 65000 | 166 | 174 | 350 | Your Price: $399.00 | |
GF12022YT |
GF12022YT 12V 24Ah Sonnenschein Gel type Dedicated Cyclic SLA Battery | Sonnenschein | Sealed Lead Acid | 12 | 24000 | 175 | 125 | 166 | Your Price: $500.00 | |
GF12025YG |
GF12025YG 12V 28Ah Sonnenschein Gel type Dedicated Cyclic SLA Battery | Sonnenschein | Sealed Lead Acid | 12 | 28000 | 132 | 180 | 197 | Your Price: $900.00 | |
GF12033YG2 |
GF12033YG2 12V 38Ah Sonnenschein Gel type Dedicated Cyclic SLA Battery | Sonnenschein | Sealed Lead Acid | 12 | 38000 | 175 | 175 | 210 | Your Price: $900.00 | |
GF12044Y |
GF12044Y 12V 50Ah Sonnenschein Gel type Dedicated Cyclic SLA Battery | Sonnenschein | Sealed Lead Acid | 12 | 50000 | 135 | 230 | 261 | Your Price: $900.00 | |
GF12051YG1 |
GF12051YG1 12V 56Ah Sonnenschein Gel type Dedicated Cyclic SLA Battery | Sonnenschein | Sealed Lead Acid | 12 | 56000 | 175 | 190 | 278 | Your Price: $900.00 | |
GF12063YO |
GF12063YO 12V 70Ah Sonnenschein Gel type Dedicated Cyclic SLA Battery | Sonnenschein | Sealed Lead Acid | 12 | 70000 | 171 | 210 | 261 | Your Price: $900.00 | |
12SB26CLN |
Drypower 12V 26Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces BP26-12, BP28-12, EP26-12, EP28-12, C12-32DA, PS12240, GP12260, GPL12260, DMU12-26, CF-12V26, HGL24-12, HGL26-12, FGC22703, 12SP26, DC26-12B, HGL24-12, HGL26-12, CBC12V26AH, CBL12V24H, CBL12V26AH, CBL12V28AH, CBX12V24AH, NP24-12, HZB12/26, LHM24-12, LP12-24, LP12-26, LP12-28, LP12-30, WP26-12N, NPD12240, PB12/26, PDC-12260, PG-12V28, PS-12260, PE12V24A, PE12V26A, RM12-26, RM12-26DC, RM12-26DCM, DC12-26, DC12-28, HR12-96W, HR12-104W, EV12-26, RT12260, RT12280, CP12250, HF-12-135, JTT12V620 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 26000 | 175 | 125 | 166 | Your Price: $249.00 | |
12GB24C |
Drypower 12V 24Ah Sealed Lead Acid Hybrid Gel Deep Cycle Battery replaces DCG26-12, CBG12V26AH, LPG12-26, LPCG12-24, LPCG12-24P, LG24-12, OCB-26-12-Gel, DCG12-24, DCG-12-26, GF12022YF, LPCG12/24, JTT12V620 | Drypower | GEL Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 24000 | 175 | 125 | 166 | Your Price: $299.00 | |
12GB36C |
Drypower 12V 36Ah Sealed Lead Acid Hybrid Gel Deep Cycle Battery replaces DCG1232, DCG32-12, CBG12V31AH, HZY-MR12-33, LPG12-31, LPCG12-30, LG36-12N, OCB-33-12-Gel, DCG12-32, GF12025YG, GF12033YG2, LPCG12/30 | Drypower | GEL Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 36000 | 131 | 159 | 197 | Your Price: $299.00 | |
12GB50C |
Drypower 12V 50Ah Sealed Lead Acid Hybrid Gel Deep Cycle Battery replaces C12-40DG, ES450, DCG40-12, CBG12V38AH, LPG12-38, LPCG12-40, LG50-12N, OCB-44-12-Gel, DCG12-38, DG12-40, GF12033YG2, LPCG12/40, JTT12V960 | Drypower | GEL Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 50000 | 166 | 171 | 199 | Your Price: $379.00 | |
12GB55C |
Drypower 12V 55Ah Sealed Lead Acid Hybrid Gel Deep Cycle Battery replaces 12 VF 55, DCG51-12, CBG12V50AH, LPG12-50, LPCG12-50, LG55-12N, OCB-55-12-Gel, DCG12-50, DG12-55, GF12044Y, BAT412550100 | Drypower | GEL Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 55000 | 135 | 214 | 226 | Your Price: $499.00 | |
12GB65C |
Drypower 12V 65Ah Sealed Lead Acid Hybrid Gel Deep Cycle Battery replaces LPG12-60, LP-CG12-65, LPG12-65, LG65-12, DG12-65, DG12-80 | Drypower | GEL Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 65000 | 166 | 174 | 350 | Your Price: $482.41 | |
12GB75C |
Drypower 12V 75Ah Sealed Lead Acid Hybrid Gel Deep Cycle Battery replaces 12 VF 70, C12-75DG, CBG12V70AH, LPG12-70H, LPCG12-70, LGK75-12N, OCB-80-12-Gel, DCG12-70, DG12-60, DG12-70S, DG12-75, GF12063Y0 | Drypower | GEL Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 75000 | 170 | 202 | 260 | Your Price: $499.00 | |
IFM12-120E2 |
Drypower 12.8V 12Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Rechargeable Lithium Battery | Drypower | Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | 12.8 | 12000 | 99 | 95 | 151 | Your Price: $436.84 | |
LICB-18650-4S6P-HR-R |
High Capacity Lithium Ion High Rate Battery with Anderson connector also suits Powerbug golf carts | Enepower | Lithium Ion | 14.4 | 17400 | 74.2 | 73.5 | 111.5 | Your Price: $599.00 | |
IFR12-400-Y |
Drypower 12.8V 40Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Rechargeable Lithium Battery | Drypower | Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | 12.8 | 40000 | 165 | 180 | 195 | Your Price: $1140.00 | |
IFR12-45-Y |
Drypower 12.8V 4.5Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Rechargeable Lithium Battery | Drypower | Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | 12.8 | 4500 | 70 | 100 | 90 | Your Price: $193.46 | |
IFR12-550-Y |
Drypower 12.8V 55Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Rechargeable Lithium Battery | Drypower | Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | 12.8 | 55000 | 132 | 200 | 257 | Your Price: $1099.00 | |
12SB80CL-FR |
Drypower 12V 80Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces C12-75DA, GPL12750, EVX12750, HGL75-12, HGL80-12, LCS24-86, DC70-12, CBC12V75AH, CBL12V75AH, CBX12V72AH, NP75-12, HZB12-80, LP12-60, LP12-75, LP12-80, LPC12-75, LPL12-60, LPL12-75, LPS12-85, XP12-300, LPX12-72, KPH75-12N, NPD12850, LPC12/75, PDC-12800, PG-12V75T, PHR-12300, PS-12750, RM12-70, RM12-80, RM12-80DC, DC12-75, DC12-75C, DC12-80A, HR12-280W, EV12-75, RA12-70S, RA12-75, RA12-75C, BAT412600080, 6FM75 | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 80000 | 170 | 202 | 260 | Your Price: $499.00 | |
12GB20C |
Drypower 12V 20Ah Sealed Lead Acid Hybrid Gel Deep Cycle Battery replaces 12 VF 20, CBG12V18AH, HZY-MR12-18, LPG12-17, LG17-12, GF12014YF, 12SB17C | Drypower | GEL Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 20000 | 76 | 167 | 181 | Your Price: $189.00 | |
12LFP18TB |
Drypower 12.8V 18Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Rechargeable Lithium Battery & Charger Kit for use with Golf Buggies | Drypower | Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | 12.8 | 18000 | 127.6 | 76 | 168 | Your Price: $499.00 | |
12LFP25TB |
Drypower 12.8V 25.2Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Rechargeable Lithium Battery & Charger Kit for use with Golf Buggies | Drypower | Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | 12.8 | 25200 | 127.6 | 102 | 168 | Your Price: $599.00 | |
12LFP32 |
Drypower 12.8V 32.4Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Rechargeable Lithium Battery & Lead Kit | Drypower | Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) | 12.8 | 32400 | 175 | 110 | 175 | Your Price: $555.98 | |
12SB15C |
Drypower 12V 15Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery replaces | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 15000 | 99 | 98 | 151 | Your Price: $249.00 | |
12SB24C |
Drypower 12V 24Ah Sealed Lead Acid Battery | Drypower | Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) | 12 | 24000 | 77.5 | 170 | 181 | Your Price: $229.00 |